With the widespread popularity of smart wearable devices and the rise of emerging Internet of Things applications, such as smart cities, smart homes, and smart cars, the demand for Internet of Things devices is growing. The technology for positioning Internet of Things nodes using traditional wireless sensors only provides approximate location information, which is insufficient for high‐precision applications. To achieve accurate sensor node location in a specific area, this study proposes an advanced weighted distance vector jump location algorithm. This paper proposes using optical wireless networks, a new wireless communication technology, to enhance the distance vector jump algorithm. It is considered the core technology in researching the three‐dimensional positioning of wireless sensor IoT nodes. The experimental data validated that by comparing with existing positioning algorithms, the improved algorithm significantly improved the location accuracy, and its average orientation error was significantly lower than other algorithms. In three cases where the wireless sensor communication radius was between 10 and 30 m, the average positioning errors of the improved algorithm were 0.363, 0.264, and 0.258, respectively. Compared with the pre improved Distance Vector Hop algorithm, its accuracy has increased by 41.1%, indicating the better positioning performance. Overall, the improved weighted algorithm significantly improves the positioning effect, providing strong technical support for the three‐dimensional positioning of wireless sensor Internet of Things nodes.