Gingival recession is a complex phenomenon resulting from the apical migration of the junctional epithelium with exposure of root surfaces which may cause hypersentivity problems and may also pose esthetic concerns for the patient, thus may be a major therapeutic challenge to the clinician.Though there are many surgical techniques advocated to treat recession, root coverage using Lateral Positioned Flap technique as compared to other technique have many potential benefits for patients with localized recession defects. The lateral positioned flap is commonly used to cover isolated, denuded roots that have adequate donor tissue lateral and vestibular depth. By using the tissue adjacent to the recession defect, the lateral positioned flap allows for correction of the defect without the discomfort encountered during other grafting techniques associated with palatal donor sites. This procedure is a time efficient, less invasive, and highly aesthetic treatment option for managing isolated recession defects.This article highlights a case report in which a lateral positioned flap technique was used for root coverage of a labially placed tooth which should have ideally been corrected by orthodontic treatment but due to patient's unwillingness, root coverage procedure was attempted to resolve the esthetic concern of the patient.