General anesthesia plays a crucial role in many surgical procedures. It is a drug-induced, reversible state characterized by unconsciousness, anti-nociception or analgesia, immobility and amnesia. On rare occasions, however, the patient can remain unconscious longer than intended, or may regain awareness during surgery. There are no precise measures for maintaining the correct dose of anesthetic, and there is currently no fully reliable instrument to monitor depth of anesthesia. Although a number of devices for monitoring brain function or sympathetic output are commercially available, the anesthetist also relies on clinical assessment and experience to judge anesthetic depth. The undesirable consequences of overdose or unintended awareness might in principle be ameliorated by improved control if we could understand better the changes in function that occur during general anesthesia. Coupling functions prescribe the physical rule specifying how the inter-oscillator interactions occur. They determine the possibility of qualitative transitions between the oscillations, e.g. routes into and out of phase synchronization. Their decomposition can describe the functional contribution from each separate subsystem within a single coupling relationship. In this way, coupling functions offer a unique means of describing mechanisms in a unified and mathematically precise way. It is a fast growing field of research, with much recent progress on the theory and especially towards being able to extract and reconstruct the coupling functions between interacting oscillations from data, leading to useful applications in cardio respiratory interactions.<br />In this paper, a novel approach has been proposed for detecting the changes in synchronism of brain signals, taken from EEG machine. During the effect of anesthesia, there are certain changes in the EEG signals. Those signals show changes in their synchronism. This phenomenon of synchronism can be utilized to study the effect of anesthesia on respiratory parameters like respiration rate etc, and hence the quantity of anesthesia can be regulated, and if any problem occurs in breathing during the effect of anesthesia on patient, that can also be monitored