Maternal nutritional status influences fetal development and long-term risk for adult noncommunicable diseases. However, the underlying mechanisms remain poorly understood. We examined whether biomarkers for metabolism and inflammation during pregnancy were associated with maternal health and with child biomarkers and health at 9-12 years of age in 44 maternal-child dyads from the Supplementation with Multiple Micronutrients Intervention Trial (SUMMIT, ISRCTN34151616) in Lombok, Indonesia. Archived blood for each dyad from maternal enrollment, later in pregnancy, postpartum, and from children at 9-12 years comprised 132 specimens. Multiplex microbead immunoassays were used to quantify vitamin D-binding protein (D), adiponectin (A), retinol-binding protein 4 (R), C-reactive protein (C), and leptin (L). Principal component analysis (PCA) revealed distinct variance patterns, i.e. principal components (PC), for baseline pregnancy, bp.pc1.D#A#R# and bp.pc2. C#L"; combined follow-up during pregnancy and postpartum, dp-pp.pc1.D"#A"R"#L# and dp-pp.pc2.A"C"L"; and children, ch.pc1.D"R"C" and ch.pc2.D#A"L". Maternal multiple micronutrient (MMN) supplementation led to an association of baseline maternal bp.pc2. C#L" with decreased post-supplementation maternal dp-pp.pc2.A"C"L" (p = 0.022), which was in turn associated with both increased child ch.pc1.D"R"C" (p = 0.036) and decreased child BMI z-score (BMIZ) (p = 0.022). Further analyses revealed an association between maternal dp-pp.pc1.D"#A"R"#L# and increased child BMIZ (p = 0.036). Child ch.pc1. D"R"C" was associated with decreased birth weight (p = 0.036) and increased child BMIZ (p = 0.002). Child ch.pc2.D#A"L" was associated with increased child BMIZ (p = 0.005), decreased maternal height (p = 0.030) and girls (p = 0.002). A pattern of elevated maternal adiponectin and leptin in pregnancy was associated with increased C-reactive protein,