The construction of synthetic gene circuits relies on our ability to engineer regulatory architectures that are orthogonal to the host's native regulatory pathways. However, as synthetic gene circuits become larger and more complicated, we are limited by the small number of parts, especially transcription factors, that work well in the context of the circuit. The current repertoire of transcription factors consists of a limited selection of activators and repressors, making the implementation of transcriptional logic a complicated and component-intensive process. To address this, we modified bacteriophage T7 RNA polymerase (T7 RNAP) to create a library of transcriptional AND gates for use in Escherichia coli by first splitting the protein and then mutating the DNA recognition domain of the C-terminal fragment to alter its promoter specificity. We first demonstrate that split T7 RNAP is active in vivo and compare it with fulllength enzyme. We then create a library of mutant split T7 RNAPs that have a range of activities when used in combination with a complimentary set of altered T7-specific promoters. Finally, we assay the two-input function of both wild-type and mutant split T7 RNAPs and find that regulated expression of the N-and C-terminal fragments of the split T7 RNAPs creates AND logic in each case. This work demonstrates that mutant split T7 RNAP can be used as a transcriptional AND gate and introduces a unique library of components for use in synthetic gene circuits.protein fragment complementation | H-loop S ynthetic gene circuits provide valuable insights into biophysical phenomena by enabling the construction and characterization of genetic systems from the ground up (1-3). Further, synthetic gene circuits are rapidly becoming core components of biotechnologies in metabolic engineering and in medicine (4-7). The continued development of synthetic gene circuits calls for the ability to construct larger and more complex circuits, which in turn necessitates the development of additional parts and component libraries with which to build them (8, 9).Recent efforts to address the "component problem" (10) (ie, the lack of well-characterized orthogonal parts with which to build synthetic gene circuits) have led to the development of novel transcriptional and translational regulators. The effort to develop transcriptional regulators has, for instance, involved transplanting transcriptional regulators from genetically distant microorganisms into a particular chassis organism such as Escherichia coli. This reimagining of transcriptional regulatory systems has led to novel ligand-sensitive transcription factor-promoter pairs (11) and transcriptional logic gates (12). In addition, recent work has made it possible to synthetically regulate protein translation through, for example, modulating access to the ribosome binding site (RBS) or varying the stability of the transcript (5, 13-16).At the core of many synthetic gene circuits lie transcriptional logic gates. Transcriptional logic gates mirror digital logic gates...