Quantum dot cellular automata (QCA) is one of the newest nanotechnologies. The conventional complementary metal oxide semiconductor (CMOS) technology was superbly replaced by QCA technology. This method uses logic states to identify the positions of individual electrons rather than defining voltage levels. A wide range of optimization factors, including reduced power consumption, quick transitions, and an extraordinarily dense structure, are covered by QCA technology. On the other hand, the serial-parallel multiplier (SPM) circuit is an important circuit by itself, and it is also very important in the design of larger circuits. This paper defines an optimized circuit of SPM circuit using QCA. It can integrate serial and parallel processing benefits altogether to increase efficiency and decrease computation time. Thus, all these mentioned advantages make this multiplier framework a crucial element in numerous applications, including complex arithmetic computations and signal processing. This research presents a new QCA-based SPM circuit to optimize the multiplier circuit's performance and enhance the overall design. The proposed framework is an amalgamation of highly performance architecture with efficient path planning. Other than that, the proposed QCAbased SPM circuit is based on the majority gate and 1-bit serial adder (BSA). BCA circuit has 34 cells and a 0.04 μm 2 area and uses 0.5 clock cycles. The outcomes showed the suggested QCA-based SPM circuit occupies a mere 0.28 µm² area, requires 222 QCA cells, and demonstrates a latency of 1.25 clock cycles. This work contributes to the existing literature on QCA technology, also emphasizing its capabilities in advancing VLSI circuit layout via optimized performance.Ključne besede: množilnik, serijsko-vzporendo, binaren množilnik, nano, komunikacije na osnovi QCA
Kvantno vezje zaporedno-paralelnega množilnika z uporabo učinkovitega zaporednega seštevalnika v nano merilu
PovzetekKvantni točkovni celični avtomati (QCA) so ena od najnovejših nanotehnologij. Tradicionalno tehnologijo komplementarnih kovinsko oksidnih polprevodnikov (CMOS) je odlično nadomestila tehnologija QCA. Ta metoda uporablja logična stanja za določanje položajev posameznih elektronov in ne definira napetostnih nivojev. Tehnologija QCA pokriva številne optimizacijske dejavnike, vključno z manjšo porabo energije, hitrimi prehodi in izredno gosto strukturo. Po drugi strani pa je vezje serijsko-paralelnega množilnika (SPM) samo po sebi pomembno vezje, zelo pomembno pa je tudi pri načrtovanju večjih vezij. Članek opredeljuje optimizirano vezje SPM z uporabo QCA. V njem lahko združimo prednosti serijske in vzporedne obdelave ter tako povečamo učinkovitost in skrajšamo čas računanja. Zaradi vseh omenjenih prednosti je torej to seštevalno ogrodje ključni element v številnih aplikacijah, vključno s kompleksnimi aritmetičnimi izračuni in obdelavo signalov. V tej raziskavi je predstavljeno novo vezje SPM, ki temelji na QCA, za optimizacijo učinkovitosti vezja množitelja in izboljšanje celotne zasnove. Pred...