Expensive Environmental Data (ED) gathered in order to fulfill specific regulatory and permitting requirements is usually loose, unstructured and therefore difficult to analyze and use in Corporate Strategic Planning (CSP). Furthermore due to its purpose ED selection and gathering is seldom influenced by the ever increasing needs of CSP for reliable Environmental Information (EI) with a proper time and spatial frame. A framework to develop Environmental Information Models (EIM) that approaches this constraints and able to transform relevant Environmental Data into reliable Environmental Information is discussed. The framework is based on the previous efforts forwarded by Agencies like OECD and EPA to approach the development of EIM using meaningful categories of variables within each of the PSRE components and avoiding therefore the difficulties of Information Management based upon detailed and complex interaction models. The proposed framework also benefits from other approaches oriented to provide strategic Planning with additional measurements of Environmental direction and performance based on EIM. The framework is used to develop an EIM for the development of the oil resources to be found in Eastern Venezuela, as well as to provide proper Environmental Performance Measurements (EPM) suitable to CSP needs.