Harmful cyanobacterial blooms plague reservoirs and lakes used for a variety of purposes. Chemical controls are frequently used to mitigate the occurrence of cyanobacterial blooms given that many are fast-acting and effective at reducing cyanobacterial abundance. Recent research has identi ed hydrogen peroxide (H 2 O 2 ) as an environmentally-friendly alternative to algaecides that have typically been used, such as copper sulfate. To build on past studies, these experiments sought to further understand how well H 2 O 2 treatments reduce cyanobacteria in complex eutrophic conditions. We assessed the effectiveness of H 2 O 2 (at treatments of 2-16 mg L -1 ) under varying environmental conditions in a controlled laboratory setting, including (1) dissolved organic matter (DOM) concentrations (humic acid; 0 -60 mg L -1 ), ( 2) temperatures (20, 25, and 32 °C), and (3) initial algal biomass (82 -371 µg L -1 as chlorophyll). In contrast to our expectations, neither DOM concentration nor temperature meaningfully impacted the effectiveness of H 2 O 2 at reducing cyanobacteria. However, initial algal biomass as well as H 2 O 2 treatment greatly in uenced the effectiveness of the algaecide. Across all experiments, H 2 O 2 concentrations of 0.03 -0.12 mg H 2 O 2 L -1 /µg chlorophyll L -1 were effective at signi cantly reducing cyanobacteria. Thus, water resource managers are encouraged to consider how ambient levels of algal biomass may affect the ability of H 2 O 2 to control algal blooms prior to treatment. Highlights 1. The effect of hydrogen peroxide on cyanobacteria was assessed under varying conditions.2. Neither dissolved organic matter concentration nor temperature meaningfully reduced the e cacy of hydrogen peroxide.3. Initial algal biomass negatively in uenced the e cacy of hydrogen peroxide.