We investigate modulational instability (MI) in asymmetric dual-core nonlinear directional couplers incorporating the effects of the differences in effective mode areas and group velocity dispersions, as well as phase-and group-velocity mismatches. Using coupled-mode equations for this system, we identify MI conditions from the linearization with respect to small perturbations. First, we compare the MI spectra of the asymmetric system and its symmetric counterpart in the case of the anomalous group-velocity dispersion (GVD). In particular, it is demonstrated that the increase of the inter-core linear-coupling coefficient leads to a reduction of the MI gain spectrum in the asymmetric coupler. The analysis is extended for the asymmetric system in the normal-GVD regime, where the coupling induces and controls the MI, as well as for the system with opposite GVD signs in the two cores. Following the analytical consideration of the MI, numerical simulations are carried out to explore nonlinear development of the MI, revealing the generation of periodic chains of localized peaks with growing amplitudes, which may transform into arrays of solitons.Appl. Sci. 2017, 7, x 2 of 20 frequency-shifted wave [16]. Based on the nature of the underlying optical propagation, the MI is classified as the temporal (longitudinal) instability [17,18], if the CW is subject to the GVD in fibers, or spatial (transverse) instability [19], if the CW state experiences the action of diffraction in a planar waveguide. More general spatio-temporal MI occurs in bulk optical media when both the GVD and diffraction are essential [20].The MI has found many important applications, including the creation of pulses with ultra-high repetition rates [21,22], the expansion of the bandwidth of Raman fiber amplifiers [23], the generation of optical supercontinuum [24] and all-optical switching [25]. In the context of nonlinear fiber optics, MI can also drive the four-wave mixing initiated by the interaction of a signal wave with random noise [13]. MI is also often regarded as a precursor to soliton formation, since the same nonlinear Schrödinger equation, which governs the MI, gives rise to stable solitary pulses. Indeed, the breakup of the original CW into soliton arrays may be an eventual outcome of the development of the MI [16].Starting from the theoretical analysis by Jensen [26], followed by the experimental verification [27], nonlinear directional couplers (NLDC), which are built as dual-core fibers, have been one of the promising elements of integrated photonic circuits for the realization of ultrafast all-optical switches, as well as a subject of intensive fundamental studies [25,[28][29][30][31][32][33]. The operation of the NLDC is governed by the interplay of the Kerr self-focusing, which induces a change in the refractive index in each core, intra-core linear GVD, and linear coupling between the cores. The linear-coupling coefficient determines the critical value of the power, which gives rise to the spontaneous breaking of the symmetry between ...