1. Serotonin is an intrinsically fluorescent biogenic amine that acts as a neurotransmitter and is found in a wide variety of sites in the central and peripheral nervous system. Serotonergic signaling appears to play a key role in the generation and modulation of various cognitive and behavioral functions. 2. Serotonin exerts its diverse actions by binding to distinct cell surface receptors which have been classified into many groups. The serotonin1A (5-HT1A) receptor is the most extensively studied of the serotonin receptors and belongs to the large family of seven transmembrane domain G-protein coupled receptors. 3. The tissue and sub-cellular distribution, structural characteristics, signaling of the serotonin1A receptor and its interaction with G-proteins are discussed. 4. The pharmacology of serotonin1A receptors is reviewed in terms of binding of agonists and antagonists and sensitivity of their binding to guanine nucleotides. 5. Membrane biology of 5-HT1A receptors is presented using the bovine hippocampal serotonin1A receptor as a model system. The ligand binding activity and G-protein coupling of the receptor is modulated by membrane cholesterol thereby indicating the requirement of cholesterol in maintaining the receptor organization and function. This, along with the reported detergent resistance characteristics of the receptor, raises important questions on the role of membrane lipids and domains in the function of this receptor.