(VPMpc) is positioned at the key site between the gustatory parabrachial nuclei (PbN) and the gustatory cortex for relaying and processing gustatory information via the thalamocortical pathway. Although neuroanatomical and electrophysiological studies have provided information regarding the gustatory projection from PbN to VPMpc, the exact relationship between PbN and VPMpc, especially the efferent projection involving VPMpc to PbN, is obscure. Here we investigated the reciprocal connection between these two gustatory relays in urethaneanesthetized hamsters. We recorded from 114 taste-responsive neurons in the PbN and examined their responsiveness to electrical stimulation of the VPMpc bilaterally. Stimulation of either or both of the ipsilateral or contralateral VPMpc antidromically activated 109 gustatory PbN neurons. Seventy-two PbN neurons were antidromically activated after stimulation of both sides of the VPMpc, indicating that taste neurons in the PbN project heavily to the bilateral VPMpc. Stimulation of VPMpc also orthodromically activated 110 of PbN neurons, including 106 VPMpc projection neurons. Seventyeight neurons were orthodromically activated bilaterally. Among orthodromic activations of the PbN cells, the inhibitory response was the dominant response; 106 cells were inhibited, including 10 neurons that were also excited contralaterally, indicating that taste neurons in the PbN are subject to strong inhibitory control from VPMpc. Moreover, stimulation of VPMpc altered taste responses of the neurons in the PbN, indicating that VPMpc modulates taste responses of PbN neurons. These results may provide functional insight of neural circuitry for taste processing and modulation involving these two nuclei.central gustatory pathway; pons; electrophysiology THE PARABRACHIAL NUCLEI (PbN) and the parvicellular part of the ventroposteromedial nucleus of the thalamus (VPMpc) are the second and tertiary central relays for taste information processing in rodents, respectively (4,13,17,28,45,49,51). Gustatory information elicited from the tongue and oropharyngeal cavity is initially carried to the rostral portion of the nucleus of the solitary tract (NST) by the VIIth, IXth, and Xth cranial nerves, and these terminals are distributed in a topographic fashion with rostral-caudal sequence in the rostral NST (2,9,23,24,89). From the NST, ascending gustatory fibers project to third-order taste cells within the PbN of the pons (7,22,42,46,(53)(54)(55)87). Two separate routes carry taste information from the PbN further to the forebrain taste areas and cortex: the ventral forebrain pathway that involves the central nucleus of the amygdala (CeA), the lateral hypothalamus (LH), the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis (BNST), the substantia innominata (3,12,16,21,31,33,34,41,47,63,64,71); and the thalamocortical pathway that is characterized by the involvement of the bilateral VPMpc, which, in turn, carries taste information to the gustatory cortex (GC) (5,25,45,48,51).The PbN is a critical neural substrate for a number...