ABstRAKPenyakit busuk lunak yang disebabkan oleh Pseudomonas viridiflava merupakan salah satu permasalahan utama di pembibitan anggrek, terutama Phalaenopsis. Evaluasi progeni yang berasal dari 3 kombinasi silangan dilakukan untuk menelaah karakteristik gejala dan perkembangan infeksi penyakit tersebut, serta respons ketahanan progeni terhadap infeksi buatan P. viridiflava. Penelitian dilakukan di rumah kaca standar untuk Phalaenopsis yang melibatkan 31 populasi individu dari 3 kombinasi persilangan (P.157, E.2153, dan E.2189). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa karakteristik gejala infeksi P. viriflava pada daun ditandai oleh peluruhan (lesio) pada jaringan yang diinokulasi. Pada kebanyakan aksesi, lesio membesar dan bau busuk terdeteksi sebagai indikasi keberhasilan infeksi patogen tersebut. Tiga aksesi Phalaenopsis diklasifikasikan ke dalam genotipe resisten (P.157-12, P.157-45, dan P.157-71), sedangkan satu aksesi (P.157-32) dikategorikan sebagai rentan dan 27 aksesi lainnya tergolong genotipe yang sangat rentan.Kata kunci: pembibitan anggrek, progeni persilangan, respons ketahanan ABstRACt A bacterial soft rot disease caused by P. viridiflava was one of problems in orchid nursery, especially Phalaenopsis. An evaluation on progenies derived from three crossing combinations were conducted to find out the symptom characteristic, development of infections of the disease and resistance response of the progenies against artificial infection of P. viridiflava. The research was conducted under a standard glass house conditions for Phalaenopsis involving 31 individuals from 3 progeny populations, namely P.157, E.2153 and E.2189. The results showed that symptoms were characterized by the lesion of the leaf tissues. On most accessions, the lesion enlarged and foul odor was detected as an indication of the successful establishment of bacterial infection. Based on the disease severity, three accessions (P.157-12, P.157-45, and P.157-71) had the lowest infections and were classified into resistant genotypes. One accession, i.e. P.157-32 was classified as susceptible and the rest 27 accessions were grouped into very susceptible class.