Multiple subtypes (␣ 1A , ␣ 1B , and ␣ 1D ) of ␣ 1 -adrenoreceptors (␣ 1 ARs) co-exist in the heart and mediate a variety of cellular functions. We studied ␣ 1 AR modulation of inward rectifier (I K1 ) and transient outward (I to ) K ؉ currents in canine ventricular myocytes. Phenylephrine at 10 M depressed only I to without affecting I K1 and at 100 M inhibited both I to and I K1 . The effect of phenylephrine on I to was abolished by (؉)niguldipine (10 nM Over the past decade, evidence from pharmacological studies and molecular cloning has been accumulating indicating that ␣ 1 -adrenoreceptors (␣ 1 ARs) 1 are actually a heterogeneous group of distinct but related protein subsets. Many cellular responses to ␣ 1 ARs are mediated by multiple subtypes (␣ 1A , ␣ 1B , and ␣ 1D ) (1-4). In the heart, whereas the ␣ 1A and ␣ 1B subtypes have been well characterized, the presence of ␣ 1D AdR was indicated only recently (5-7). Moreover, although the pathophysiological roles of ␣ 1A and ␣ 1B receptors have been well appreciated, those of ␣ 1D subtype in the heart remain to be determined. Enhanced ␣ 1 AR activity has been implicated in various types of arrhythmias, particularly those in the pathogenesis of myocardial ischemia, ischemia-reperfusion and preconditioning, cardiac hypertrophy, etc. (1, 3). Drug intervention with ␣ 1 ARs has thus become an attractive issue for developing new compounds for potential therapy. A significant mechanism underlying ␣ 1 AR-induced alteration of cardiac electrical activity is attributable to the ability of ␣ 1 ARs to modulate ion channels. To date, no less than seven cardiac ionic currents are on the list of ␣ 1 AR modulation, including inward rectifier K ϩ current (I K1 ), transient outward K ϩ current (I to ), delayed rectifier K ϩ current (I K ), ultrarapid delayed rectifier K ϩ current (I Kur ), acetylcholine-induced K ϩ current (I KACh ), calcium current (I Ca ), and chloride current (1, 3, 8 -11). However, it is not known whether the effects are the results from participation of all three different subtypes of ␣ 1 ARs or of a particular individual subtype, although evidence is accumulating that different subtypes may have different roles in regulating cardiac contraction and electrical activities (12-16). Moreover, recent studies also demonstrated subtype differences in the signal transduction (17-19). In light of these studies, we speculated that different subtypes of ␣ 1 ARs may have distinct effects on ion channels. Understanding subtype specificity of ␣ 1 ARs in ion channel regulation is of theoretical and practical importance. K ϩ currents play critical roles in determining cardiac electrical activities. Besides stabilizing resting potential, I K1 in cardiac cells also plays an important role in modulating cellular excitability and regulating membrane repolarization, therefore an important determinant of action potential initiation. Another important cardiac K ϩ current is transient outward K ϩ current (I to ), which is known to be critical for initiating cardiac repolarization...