In this paper, we consider several interesting multiplier algebras associated with a locally compact quantum group G. Firstly, we study the completely bounded right multiplier algebra M r cb (L1(G)). We show that M r cb (L1(G)) is a dual Banach algebra with a natural operator predual Q r cb (L1(G)), and the completely isometric representation of M r cb (L1(G)) on B(L2(G)), studied recently by Junge, Neufang and Ruan, is actually weak*-weak* continuous if the quantum group G has the right co-approximation property. Secondly, we study the space LUC(G) of left uniformly continuous functionals on L1(G) and its Banach algebra dual LUC(G) * . We prove that LUC(G) is a unital C*-subalgebra of L∞(G) if the quantum group G is semi-regular. We show the connection between LUC(G) * and the quantum measure algebra M (G), as well as their representations on L∞ (G) and B(L2(G)). Finally, we study the right uniformly continuous complete quotient space UCQ r (G) and its Banach algebra dual UCQ r (G) * . For quantum groups G with the right coapproximation property, we establish a completely contractive injection Q r cb (L1(G)) → UCQ r (G) which is compatible with the relation C0(G) ⊆ LUC(G). For co-amenable quantum groups G, we obtain the weak*-weak* homeomorphic and completely isometric algebra isomorphism M r cb (L1(G)) ∼ = M (G) and the completely isometric isomorphism UCQ r (G) ∼ = LUC(G).