Given a prime p, a finite extension L/Q p , a connected p-adic reductive group G/L, and a smooth irreducible representation π of G(L), Fargues-Scholze [FS21] recently attached a semisimple Weil parameter to such π, giving a general candidate for the local Langlands correspondence. It is natural to ask whether this construction is compatible with known instances of the correspondence after semisimplification. For G = GL n and its inner forms, Fargues-Scholze and Hansen-Kaletha-Weinstein [HKW21] show that the correspondence is compatible with the correspondence of Harris-Taylor/Henniart [Hen00; HT01]. We verify a similar compatibility for G = GSp 4 and its unique non-split inner form G = GU 2 (D), where D is the quaternion division algebra over L, assuming that L/Q p is unramified and p > 2. In this case, the local Langlands correspondence has been constructed by Gan-Takeda and Gan-Tantono [GT11; GT14]. Analogous to the case of GL n and its inner forms, this compatibility is proven by describing the Weil group action on the cohomology of a local Shimura variety associated to GSp 4 , using basic uniformization of abelian type Shimura varieties due to Shen [She17], combined with various global results of Kret-Shin [KS16] and Sorensen [Sor10] on Galois representations in the cohomology of global Shimura varieties associated to inner forms of GSp 4 over a totally real field. After showing the parameters are the same, we apply some ideas from the geometry of the Fargues-Scholze construction explored recently by Hansen [Han20], to give a more precise description of the cohomology of this local Shimura variety, verifying a strong form of the Kottwitz conjecture in the process.
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AcknowledgementsIt is a pleasure to thank my advisor David Hansen for giving me this project and for numerous suggestions and ideas related to it, as well as Eric Chen, Arthur-César Le-Bras, Yoichi Mieda, Jack Sempliner, and Zhiyu Zhang for some nice conversations related to this work. Special thanks also go to Peter Scholze for sharing with me the draft of [FS21], pointing out some errors, and generously initiating me in these ideas during my masters thesis, Sug-Woo Shin for pointing out some errors in section 5, and the MPIM Bonn for their hospitality during part of the completion of this project.