The boundaries of modernism are fluid, not only in purely temporal terms but also in sociological terms. The famous Polish sociologist Zygmund Bauman speaks about the very notion of fluid society, and according to him, fluid modernism has changed the way we think and experience the modern world. In his masterpiece Fluid Times, Bauman explores, examines, and attempts to explain the sources and causes of the endemic uncertainty that shapes life in a globalized world. This is primarily due to the speed and depth of change that has taken place over the past decades. These changes concern the fall of communism, the block division of the world, but also the enlargement of the European integration or the increase in the number of new nation-states and conflicts. Consequently, modern social interactions and processes create new sociological issues in society, which significantly change the direction of action of sociology itself. For this goal, modern sociology emphasizes focuses on citizenship and civil rights and responsibilities, an ideology that guides societies, collective action and social movements, culture and globalization. That is why today it is very difficult to systematize all sociological works or to include all theorists. Within this text, the emphasis is placed on public policy and its importance in contemporary sociology. The challenges that contemporary sociology faces in solving contemporary sociological issues were analyzed through the differentiation of three separate but related aspects (civic partnership, culture, and globalization) within the complexity of public policy. Keywords: sociology, public policy, culture, globalization, civil partnership