Three trade-type moisture meters, Steinlite SS250, Motomco 919 and Dickey-john GACII*, were compared with the USDA two-stage air-oven method on 204 samples of 1983 and 1984 crop soybeans. The GACII and Motomco meters read within 0.2 percentage points of the oven, whereas SS250 read 0.4 to 0.6 points higher than the oven. Variance of the meters relative to the oven held constant over the moisture range 8% to 17% (wet basis). The standard deviation of a meter reading relative to the oven was 0.3 percentage points, about half that of corn in the same moisture range. Disciplines Agriculture | Bioresource and Agricultural Engineering Comments This article is from Transactions of the ASAE 30 (1987): 582-584. Posted with permission.