This study aimed to determine the adsorption curves of Maria biscuits from different brands at temperatures of 25 and 40C. The equilibrium between the sample and the atmosphere was achieved by placing the samples inside flasks containing saturated salts, at the temperatures studied for 5 days, to allow reaching equilibrium.From the results, it was possible to observe that by increasing the temperature, the stability of the product is augmented, as for the same moisture content the water activity is greatly reduced. Four sorption models were fitted with the adsorption data, but the Guggenheim-Anderson-deBoer and Henderson were better than the other models tested. In addition, the monolayer moisture content at temperature of 25C ranged between 0.0495 and 0.1981 g water/g dry basis, and at the temperature of 40C this parameter varied between 0.0529 and 0.1960 g water/g dry basis.
PRACTICAL APPLICATIONSThe importance of stability for bakery products is critical for the maintenance of physical-chemical properties, and in particular to avoid spoilage and maintain texture. Biscuits are very hygroscopic and therefore, if not properly stored, tend to absorb water from the air, thus compromising texture. Knowledge about adsorption isotherms provides valuable information regarding the stability of products under some conditions. Therefore, the study undertaken in this work could be utilized to select the best storage and package conditions so as to improve product quality, moreover because Maria biscuits are largely consumed and appreciated for their crispy texture.