Gervais, M., Bullock, P., Mkhabela, M., Finlay, G. and Raddatz, R. 2010. Improvements to the accuracy of modelled soil water content from the Second Generation Prairie Agrometeorological Model. Can. J. Soil Sci. 90: 527Á542. The direct measurement of soil water on a regional scale is often not practical due to large instrumental and labour requirements. Alternatively, soil water estimates can be derived using models. The Second Generation Prairie Agrometeorological Model (PAMII) models soil water, crop development and evapotranspiration (ET) in order to derive an estimate of crop water use. The objective of this study was to validate, and if necessary modify, the soil water component of PAMII using weather and soil water data collected from several spring wheat trials in Saskatchewan and Manitoba during the 2003 though 2006 growing seasons. Comparison of modelled and measured soil water values yielded a RMSE of 62 mm. For most site-years, PAMII overestimated soil water during the second half of the growing season, which was caused by an increase in modelled canopy resistance (r c ) before the crop experienced water stress. The r c function was thus modified so that r c would not increase until the soil water content was B0.5 of plant available water. Overall this modification reduced the RMSE from 62 to 56 mm. In addition, modelled soil water was underestimated during periods that experienced consecutive days of precipitation. This was because the model stopped infiltration when the top-zone reached saturation. When modified to allow infiltration to continue independent of the top-zone's water content, the RMSE was further reduced to 53 mm. Overall, both modifications reduced the RMSE of modelled soil water by 9 mm, and this reduction was highly significant (PB0.01).Key words: Prairie Agrometeorological Model (PAMII), soil water modelling, evapotranspiration, Canadian prairies Gervais, M., Bullock, P., Mkhabela, M., Finlay, G. et Raddatz, R. 2010. Ame´lioration de la pre´cision de la teneur en eau du sol e´tablie graˆce au mode`le agrome´te´orologique des Prairies de 2 e generation. Can. J. Soil Sci. 90: 527Á542. Mesurer directement la teneur en eau du sol a`l'e´chelle re´gionale est rarement pratique en raison de l'importance du mate´riel et du travail que cela requiert. Paralle`lement, on peut de´river une estimation de ce parame`tre graˆce a`divers mode`les. Le Prairie Agrometeorological Model de 2 e ge´ne´ration (PAMII) mode´lise la teneur en eau du sol, la croissance des cultures et l'e´vapotranspiration (ET) pour estimer la quantite´d'eau utilise´e par les plantes. La pre´sente e´tude devait valider et au besoin modifier la composante du PAMII relative a`la teneur en eau du sol a`partir des donne´es me´te´orologiques et des releve´s de la teneur en eau recueillis a`l'occasion de plusieurs essais de culture du ble´de printemps effectue´s en Saskatchewan et au Manitoba, durant la pe´riode ve´ge´tative, entre 2003 et 2006. En comparant la teneur en eau du sol mode´lise´e a`celle e´tablie par mesure directe, o...