The isolation of plasmid-protein relaxation complexes from bacteria is indicative of the plasmid nickingclosing equilibrium in vivo that serves to ready the plasmids for conjugal transfer. In pC221 and pC223, the components required for in vivo site-and strand-specific nicking at oriT are MobC and MobA. In order to investigate the minimal requirements for nicking in the absence of host-encoded factors, the reactions were reconstituted in vitro. Purified MobA and MobC, in the presence of Mg 2؉ or Mn 2؉ , were found to nick at oriT with a concomitant phosphorylation-resistant modification at the 5 end of nic. The position of nic is consistent with that determined in vivo. MobA, MobC, and Mg 2؉ or Mn 2؉ therefore represent the minimal requirements for nicking activity. Cross-complementation analyses showed that the MobC proteins possess binding specificity for oriT DNA of either plasmid and are able to complement each other in the nicking reaction. Conversely, nicking by the MobA proteins is plasmid specific. This suggests the MobA proteins may encode the nicking specificity determinant.The transfer of plasmids between bacterial cells by conjugation is the result of two processes: mating-pair formation between the donor and recipient, and DNA processing reactions, which prepare the plasmid for transfer (38). In keeping with the generalized models of DNA processing based on gramnegative systems, conjugation can proceed only after a siteand strand-specific cleavage at a unique nick site (nic) within an origin of transfer (oriT). The transesterification reaction is catalyzed by a relaxase (transesterase) within a nucleoprotein complex, the relaxosome, in the presence or absence of accessory proteins. A single strand is unwound by a host or plasmidencoded helicase and transferred with a 5Ј-to-3Ј polarity to the recipient cell (15).The DNA processing components of several gram-negative conjugative and mobilizable plasmids, e.g., RP4, pTiC58, F, R388, and R1162/RSF1010 have been genetically and biochemically characterized in vitro. This facilitates the determination of the minimal components and confirms roles and specificities of factors otherwise identified in vivo (15,38). In contrast, conjugative and mobilizable plasmids of gram-positive bacteria are comparatively under-represented (8).Plasmids pC221 and pC223 are small (4.6 kb), low-copynumber chloramphenicol resistance plasmids and are mobilizable members of the rolling-circle replicating small staphylococcal plasmid family. They contain four genetic loci involved in their mobilization: the cis-acting locus origin of transfer (oriT) and the overlapping trans-acting loci mobC, mobA, and mobB ( Fig. 1) (33). An oriT region, functional in mobilization assays, has been broadly defined on an intergenic 692-bp AluI fragment (28, 36).Site-and strand-specific nicking of pC221 and pC223 in vivo requires mobA, mobC, and superhelical oriT, the positions of which have been determined (33). The nic regions share significant similarity with relaxase family 1 consensus nic region...