In recent years, the demand for cytopathological accurate diagnoses has increased as expanding minimally invasive procedures obtain materials from patients with advanced cancer for diagnostic, prognostic, and predictive purposes. However, inadequate knowledge of cytopathological technical procedures and ancillary techniques by clinicians remains the most common reason for the limited availability of cytopathology. The objectives of this review were to understand the technical procedures, ancillary techniques, and application and effectiveness of various types of tests in cytopathology. Each of the many ancillary technologies described in the literature has specific advantages and limitations and laboratories select one or more methods depending on their infrastructure and expertise to achieve the goal from initial screening of the disease to the final diagnosis of the cytopathology. This paper systematically reviews the development of cytopathology, summarizes the existing problems in cytopathology and the new progress of auxiliary examination, to provide a theoretical basis for the advanced development of cytopathological diagnostic technologies and to consolidate the minimally invasive and accurate diagnosis of cytopathologies for clinicians.Cytopathology offers many advantages over other clinical examinations, particularly for minimally invasive and accurate diagnosis.