A new commercially available DNA strip assay (GenoType Mycobacterium CM/AS; Hain Lifescience, Nehren, Germany) was evaluated for the ability to differentiate mycobacterial species. The test is based on a PCR technique targeting a 23S rRNA gene region, followed by reverse hybridization and line probe technology. The GenoType CM is capable of identifying 23, the GenoType AS a further 14, species either alone or in combination with one or more species. Both tests were evaluated with 156 mycobacterial strains composed of 61 validly published species including different subspecies, 6 not validly published species, and 3 strains other than mycobacterial species. All strains were precharacterized by sequencing of the 5 region of the 16S rRNA gene and biochemical tests. In total, results for 151 strains were interpretable. Concordant results were obtained for 137 (92.6%) of 148 mycobacterial strains with the CM assay and 133 (89.9%) of 148 mycobacterial strains with the AS assay, and all three non-Mycobacterium species were identified.