Several cases of spontaneous remission (SR) interrupting the invariably progressive course of untreated acute myeloblastic leukemia (AML) have been reported so far. We shall add to this series the hematological and cytogenetic SR occurring in a 72-yr-old man affected by AML following myelodysplastic syndrome. At diagnosis cytogenetic analysis showed the 48, xy, del (6) (p22-pter), +13, +14 karyotype. Owing to a lobar pneumonia, the chemotherapy was deferred and a broad spectrum antibiotic therapy was established. Supportive care included red cells and platelet transfusions and low-dose corticosteroid. Two months later, after the pneumonia had completely disappeared, a complete remission, lasting about 5 months, was documented on bone marrow morphological and cytogenetical examination, although some degree of myeloid dysplasia persisted. Possible mechanisms of the various SRs described during the course of AML are discussed with a review of the literature.