The adaptive immune system serves as a potent and highly specific defense mechanism against pathogen infection. One component of this system, the effector T cell, facilitates pathogen clearance upon detection of specific antigens by the T cell receptor (TCR). A critical process in effector T cell activation is transmission of signals from the TCR to a key transcriptional regulator, NF-κB. The transmission of this signal involves a highly dynamic process in which helical filaments of Bcl10, a key protein constituent of the TCR signaling cascade, undergo competing processes of polymeric assembly and macroautophagydependent degradation. Through computational analysis of three-dimensional super-resolution microscopy data, we quantitatively characterized TCR-stimulated Bcl10 filament assembly and length dynamics, demonstrating that filaments become shorter over time. Additionally, we developed an imagebased bootstrap-like resampling method to quantitatively demonstrate preferred association between autophagosomes and Bcl10-filament ends and punctate-Bcl10 structures, implying that autophagosomedriven macroautophagy is directly responsible for Bcl10 filament shortening. We probe Bcl10 polymerization-depolymerization dynamics with a stochastic Monte-Carlo simulation of nucleation-limited filament assembly and degradation, and we show that high probabilities of filament nucleation in response to TCR engagement could provide the observed robust, homogeneous, and tunable response dynamic. Furthermore, the speed of autophagic degradation of filaments preferentially at filament ends provides effective regulatory control. Taken together, these data suggest that Bcl10 filament growth and degradation act as an excitable system that provides a digital response mechanism and the reliable timing critical for T cell activation and regulatory processes.
Author SummaryThe immune system serves to protect organisms against pathogen-mediated disease. While a strong immune response is needed to eliminate pathogens in host organisms, immune responses that are too robust or too persistent can trigger autoimmune disorders, cancer, and a variety of additional serious human pathologies. Thus, a careful balance of activating and inhibitory mechanisms are necessary to prevent detrimental health outcomes of immune responses. For example, activated effector T cells marshal the immune response and direct killing of pathogen-infected cells; however, effector T cells that are chronically activated can damage and destroy healthy tissue. Here, we study an important internal activation pathway in effector T cells that involves the growth and counterbalancing degradation (via a process called macroautophagy) of filamentous cytoplasmic signaling structures. We utilize image analysis of 3-D super-resolution images and Monte Carlo simulations to study a key signal-transduction protein, Bcl10. We found that the speed of filament degradation has the greatest effect on the magnitude and duration of the response, implying that pharmaceutical interventions aime...