The time course of the restoration reactions of the secretory functions of the gastric glands were studied in patients differing in the level and specificity of daily physical activity. Dependence was found between the level and specificity of daily physical activity and reactivity of the secretory apparatus of the gas tric glands during the recovery period after physical load. A high reactivity of the digestive gland activity is typical of subjects with a high daily physical load. Differences in the functional stability of the secretory mechanisms of various components of the gastric juice were found in different states: at rest, under physical load, and in the recovery period. The maximal stability of the secretory mechanisms of the digestive gland was marked in athletes trained to develop endurance (skiers). Heterochronism of the restoration reactions of the gastric secretion after physical loads was found. At the beginning, secretion of enzyme is restored, followed by acid composition of the digestive juices. An inverse relationship was found between the content of the blood levels of the digestive enzymes pepsinogen 1 and 2 and the concentration of proteolytic enzymes in gastric contents in subjects with various adaptation degrees to the physical load.