Ab initio investigation for the ground-electronic potential energy surface (PES) of the CH 2 CCH + OH combination and the trans-CH 2 CHCHO isomerization and decomposition has been performed at the UCCSD(T)/CBS(TQ5)//M06-2X/aug-cc-pVTZ level of theory. Thermal and microcanonical rate constants, as well as branching ratios in the 300−2000 K temperature range have been predicted based on optimized structures and vibrational frequencies of species involved using statistical theoretical VRC-TST and RRKM master equation computations. The calculated results are in good agreement with the prior reported data, particularly as an accurate scaling of the energy barriers was carried out. Based on the view of PES and kinetic-predicted values, the reaction paths leading to C 2 H 2 + CO + H 2 , CH 3 CH + CO, C 2 H 4 + CO, C 2 H 3 + HCO, and C 3 H 3 O + H are the prevailing product channels for the C 3 H 3 + OH bimolecular reaction under the considered 300−2000 K temperature range. Among those products, CH 3 CH + CO is the most dominant one in the low-temperature condition; however, C 2 H 2 + CO + H 2 becomes the most favorable product in the high-temperature region. Alternatively, the C 3 H 4 O dissociation processes leading to C 2 H 2 + CO + H 2 , C 2 H 3 + HCO, C 2 H 4 + CO, and CH 2 C + CH 2 O constitute the major paths, in which, C 2 H 2 + CO + H 2 is the most critical one with the ∼62% and ∼59% branching ratios at E = 148 and 182 kcal/mol, respectively. The overall second-order rate constants of the bimolecular reaction C 3 H 3 + OH → products obtained at the pressure 760 Torr (Ar) can be illustrated by the modified Arrhenius expression of k(T) = 1.36 × 10 −13 T 1.26 exp[(−1.12 ± 0.43 kcal mol −1 )/ RT] and/or k(T) = 3.77 × 10 17 T −7.58 exp[(−18.82 ± 0.20 kcal mol −1 )/RT] cm 3 molecule −1 s −1 , covering the temperature range of 300−1300 and/or 1300−2000 K, respectively. The total high-pressure limit rate constant for the C 3 H 3 + OH → CH 2 CCHOH barrierless processes is in good agreement with the k(T) = 8.30 × 10 −10 T −0.1 cm 3 molecule −1 s −1 literature data. Moreover, microcanonical rate constants for the C 3 H 4 O isomerization and dissociation are in excellent accordance with the previously predicted values given by Chin and Lee. The present study supplies a thorough insight into the mechanisms and kinetics of the C 3 H 3 + OH combination as well as the C 3 H 4 O multistep isomerization/dissociation pathways.