ability to coordinate and confine enzymes presents an opportunity
to affect their performance and to create chemically active materials.
Recent studies show that polymers and biopolymers can be used to scaffold
enzymes, and that can lead to the modulated biocatalytic efficiency.
Here, we investigated the role of microenvironments on enzyme activity
using a well-defined molecular scaffold. An enzyme, glucose oxidase
(GOx), was positioned at different locations of a three-dimensional
(3D) octahedral DNA scaffold (OS), allowing the enzyme’s polyanionic
environments to be altered. Using electrical sensing, based on a bipolar
junction transistor, we measured directly and in real-time the enzyme’s
proton generation at these different microenvironments. We found a
200% enhancement of immobilized enzyme over free GOx and about a 30%
increase in catalytic rates when the enzyme was moved on the same
molecular scaffold to a microenvironment with a higher local concentration
of polyanions, which suggests a role of local pH on the enzymatic