DOI: 10.1080/03235400216131
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Molecular Characterization of Isolates of Tomato Yellow Leaf Curl Virus from Tanzania

Abstract: Tomato samples with typical symptoms of tomato yellow leaf curl virus (TYLCV) infection were collected from six tomato growing regions in Tanzania and dot-blotted on nylon membranes. The membranes were hybridised with nucleic acid probes synthesized to detect TYLCV from Israel and Sardinia. Viral DNA was extracted from the samples by phenol-chloform procedure and amplified by polymerase chain reaction using a primer pair (OTY 2 and OTY 6) designed to amplify a 1.2 kb fragment containing the coat protein, inter… Show more

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Cited by 10 publications
(14 citation statements)
References 28 publications
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“…TYLCTV likely caused an epidemic of yellow mottling, severe leaf curling and stunting symptoms in tomato plants grown the Makutupora district of Tanzania in 1997. In a subsequent Tanzanian survey of tomato infecting begomoviruses causing mild leaf curling and yellowing symptoms, a virus most closely related to the Mediterranean begomovirus species, Tomato yellow leaf curl Sardinia virus was identified [ 141 ]. Later full genome sequencing of the Tanzanian viral isolate from Arusha revealed it to be as a distinct monopartite begomovirus species called Tomato leaf curl Arusha virus (ToLCArV-[TZ:Ten:05]) [ 84 ].…”
Section: Diversity Of Dicotyledenous-infecting Begomoviruses In Samentioning
confidence: 99%
“…TYLCTV likely caused an epidemic of yellow mottling, severe leaf curling and stunting symptoms in tomato plants grown the Makutupora district of Tanzania in 1997. In a subsequent Tanzanian survey of tomato infecting begomoviruses causing mild leaf curling and yellowing symptoms, a virus most closely related to the Mediterranean begomovirus species, Tomato yellow leaf curl Sardinia virus was identified [ 141 ]. Later full genome sequencing of the Tanzanian viral isolate from Arusha revealed it to be as a distinct monopartite begomovirus species called Tomato leaf curl Arusha virus (ToLCArV-[TZ:Ten:05]) [ 84 ].…”
Section: Diversity Of Dicotyledenous-infecting Begomoviruses In Samentioning
confidence: 99%
“…Plants showing clear symptoms such as curling, yellowing, downward cupping and reduction in size of the leaves (Zhang et al, 2008) were counted and percent incidence was calculated. Assessments of disease incidence (%) in the field were backed up by graft inoculation as described by Kashina et al (2007) and whitefly mediated inoculation as suggested by Lapidot et al (1997) in the glass house. The disease incidence (D.I) was calculated by using following formula (Allen et al, 1983):…”
Section: Data Recording and Pathogenicity Testsmentioning
confidence: 99%
“…Σε αντίκεςθ με τα καλλιεργοφμενα φυτά, ο ιόσ ςπάνια προκαλεί εμφανι ςυμπτϊματα ςε αυτοφυι φυτά τα οποία διαδραματίηουν ςθμαντικό ρόλο ςτθν επιδθμιολογία τθσ αςκζνειασ (Ioannou 1987;Salati et al 2002. Μζχρι ςιμερα ο ιόσ ζχει εντοπιςτεί ςε περιςςότερα από 60 είδθ ηιηανίων που ανικουν ςτισ οικογζνειεσ Aizοaceae, Amaranthaceae, Chenopodiaceae, Compositae, Convolvulaceae, Cruciferae, Euphorbiaceae, Leguminosae, Plantaginaceae, Malvaceae και Solanaceae (Πίνακασ 1.2) (Ioannou, 1987, Bedford et al, 1998, Abou-Jaudah et al, 1999, Sanchez-Campos et al, 2000, Kashina et al, 2002, Salati et al 2002 (Mound and Halsey, 1978;Campbell et al, 1994). Κατατάςςονται ανάμεςα ςτουσ ςθμαντικότερουσ εντομολογικοφσ εχκροφσ του φυτικοφ βαςιλείου, αφοφ ζχουν τθν ικανότθτα να νφςςουν με τα ςτοματικά τουσ μόρια τουσ φυτικοφσ ιςτοφσ και να μυηοφν τον φυτικό χυμό από το φλοίωμα (Campbell et al, 1994).…”
Section: φυτά ξενιςτζσ και ςυμπτϊματα τθσ αςκζνειασunclassified
“…Εκτόσ από τα καλλιεργοφμενα είδθ, ο ιόσ αναφζρκθκε να προςβάλλει ςε φυςικζσ ςυνκικεσ και αρκετά αυτοφυι φυτά και ηιηάνια που ανικουν ςτισ οικογζνειεσ Amaranthaceae, Ascleridaceae, Chenopodiaceae, Convolvulaceae, Euphorbiaceae, Solanaceae, Compositae, Malvaceae, Plantaginaceae, Leguminosae και Umbelliferae (Ioannou, 1987;Bedford et al, 1998;Abou-Jawdah et al, 1999;Sanchez-Campos et al, 2000;Jorda et al, 2001;Kashina et al, 2002;Salati et al, 2002;Rojas et al, 2007;Papayiannis et al, 2009a). τα πλαίςια μιασ εκτεταμζνθσ μελζτθσ που ζγινε ςτθν Κφπρο περί τα μζςα τθσ δεκαετίασ του 1980, ο ιόσ αναφζρκθκε ςτα είδθ Asteriscus aquaticus, Calendula arvensis, Chrysanthemum segetum, Urospermum picroides (Compositae), Malva nicaensis (Malvaceae), Plantago lagopus (Plantaginaceae), Datura stramonium και Nicotiana glutinosa (Solanaceae).…”
Section: ειςαγωγιunclassified
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