Using the transgenic AEQUORlN system, we showed that the cotyledons and leaves of Arabidopsis thaliana seedlings developed a biphasic luminescence response to anoxia, indicating changes in cytosolic Ca2+ levels. A fast and transient luminescence peak occurred within minutes of anoxia, followed by a second, prolonged luminescence response that lasted 1.5 to 4 h. l h e Ca2+ channel blockers Cd3+, La3+, and ruthenium red (RR) partially inhibited the first response and promoted a larger and earlier second response, suggesting different origins for these responses. Both Cd3+ and RR also partially inhibited anaerobic induction of alcohol dehydrogenase gene expression. However, although anaerobic alcohol dehydrogenase gene induction occurred in seedlings exposed to wateragar medium and in roots, related luminescence responses were absent. Upon return to normoxia, the luminescence of cotyledons, leaves, and roots dropped quickly, before increasing again in a Gd3+-, La3+-, ethyleneglycol-bis(P-aminoethyl ether)-N,N'-tetraacetic acid-, and RR-sensitive fashion.When exposed to anoxia, plants undergo major metabolic changes to maintain energy production despite a shut off of respiratory phosphorylation. They do so by increasing the rate of Suc and starch mobilization, by accelerating the rate of glycolysis and diversifying its end products, and by accelerating the ethanol fermentation pathway (reviewed by Ricard et al., 1994). These metabolic changes are associated with major changes in gene expression involving a decrease in general mRNA translatability and an activation of expression of a set of anoxic genes, most of which code for enzymes involved in starch and Glc mobilization, glycolysis, and ethanol fermentation (Sachs et al