The possible active site Cys 441 in the Cys-pocket and Glu 347 and Arg ~s° of the EXXR motif of the human prostacyclin synthase, which catalyzes the conversion of prostaglandin H2 to prostacyclin, were subjected to site-directed mutagenesis in order to understand the role of these residues in expressing the enzymatic activity. Five expression vectors encoding the mutant enzymes with a single replacement, Cys441Ala, Cys441Ser, Cys441His, Glu347Ala and Arg3S°Ala, as well as the wild-type enzyme were expressed in 293 cells. The microsomal fraction of the cells expressing the wild-type enzyme showed a specific activity of 96 nmol 6-keto-PGF1Jmin per mg protein. All of the mutant enzymes examined showed no detectable enzyme activity, although immunoblot analysis demonstrated that levels of all the expressed mutant enzymes were similar to that of the wild-type enzyme. These results indicated that the Cys 441 in the Cyspocket, and Glu 347 and Arg 35° of the EXXR motif of human prostacyclin synthase are important for expressing the enzymatic activity.