Genome alterations due to horizontal gene transfer and stress constantly generate strain on the gene pool of Neisseria meningitidis, the causative agent of meningococcal (MC) disease. The DNA glycosylase MutY of the base excision repair pathway is involved in the protection against oxidative stress. MC MutY expressed in Escherichia coli exhibited base excision activity towards DNA substrates containing A:7,8-dihydro-8-oxo-2-deoxyguanosine and A:C mismatches. Expression in E. coli fully suppressed the elevated spontaneous mutation rate found in the E. coli mutY mutant. An assessment of MutY activity in lysates of neisserial wild-type and mutY mutant strains showed that both MC and gonococcal (GC) MutY is expressed and active in vivo. Strikingly, MC and GC mutY mutants exhibited 60-to 140-fold and 20-fold increases in mutation rates, respectively, compared to the wild-type strains. Moreover, the differences in transitions and transversions in rpoB conferring rifampin resistance observed with the wild type and mutants demonstrated that the neisserial MutY enzyme works in preventing GC3AT transversions. These findings are important in the context of models linking mutator phenotypes of disease isolates to microbial fitness.Infections caused by Neisseria meningitidis (the meningococcus; MC) and Neisseria gonorrhoeae (the gonococcus; GC), pathogenic members of the genus Neisseria, are associated with significant morbidity and mortality in their exclusive human host. MC and GC residing on mucosal surfaces are exposed to DNA-damaging agents from a potent immune system and also suffer genotoxic stress from endogenous sources, predisposing factors for mutations (29,36). Mutator strains exhibit an increased spontaneous mutation rate compared to those commonly found in the corresponding wild-type species (17). Such a phenotype is often caused by heritable changes in components of the methyl-directed mismatch repair (MMR) pathway engaged in postreplication repair. However, Richardson et al. (41) demonstrated that only 39% of MC strains exhibiting elevated spontaneous mutation rates could be fully or partially complemented with wild-type mutS or mutL alleles and thus directly linked to defects in the MMR system. Conflicting evidence exists on the association of Dam methylase variants causing hypermutable neisserial strains with enhanced phasevariable capsule switching (4, 21, 40). Clearly, mechanisms other than MMR are implicated in MC mutator phenotypes. Associations between hypermutation and defects in MMR have not yet been reported in the close relative GC.One of the most frequent forms of oxidative DNA damage is the oxidation product of guanine, 7,8-dihydro-8-oxo-2Ј-deoxyguanosine (8oxoG) (8). The base excision repair (BER) pathway is probably the cell's major line of defense against the deleterious effects of such DNA damage (45). BER involves the release of modified base residues from DNA by DNA glycosylases that leave abasic (AP) sites in the DNA. The AP site may be further cleaved by an AP-lyase activity inherent ...