DOI: 10.1128/jb.174.3.889-898.1992
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Molecular cloning and physical mapping of the otsBA genes, which encode the osmoregulatory trehalose pathway of Escherichia coli: evidence that transcription is activated by katF (AppR)

Abstract: It has been shown previously that the otsA and otsB mutations block osmoregulatory trehalose synthesis in Escherichia coli. We report that the transcription of these osmoregulated ots genes is dependent on KatF (AppR), a putative sigma factor for certain stationary phase-and starvation-induced genes. The transcription of the osmoregulated bet and proU genes was not katF dependent. Our genetic analysis showed that katF carries an amber mutation in E. coli K-12 and many of its derivatives but that katF has rever… Show more

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Cited by 198 publications
(162 citation statements)
References 53 publications
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“…(i) The dpeB (rpoS) mutation was identified in a selection for derivatives with reduced expression of the chromosomal proU+ operon. (ii) The present data on P1 regulation are consistent with the overlap that has been demonstrated between osmotic and stationary-phase responses for the promoters of several other loci in E. coli (15,(20)(21)(22) (8,19,26 (17,31,32), need to be understood in the context of the multiple mechanisms outlined in our model.…”
Section: And Discussionsupporting
confidence: 71%
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“…(i) The dpeB (rpoS) mutation was identified in a selection for derivatives with reduced expression of the chromosomal proU+ operon. (ii) The present data on P1 regulation are consistent with the overlap that has been demonstrated between osmotic and stationary-phase responses for the promoters of several other loci in E. coli (15,(20)(21)(22) (8,19,26 (17,31,32), need to be understood in the context of the multiple mechanisms outlined in our model.…”
Section: And Discussionsupporting
confidence: 71%
“…A comparison of our observations with those of Kaasen et al (21) and Lange et al (22) Growth phase and RpoS have little effect on full-lengthproU cis-regulatory region. Although the effect of dpeB (rpoS) on the isolated P1 promoter in plasmid pHYD275 was pronounced, that on the other three Tpr plasmids in the panel (in particular, pHYD272, which carries the full-length cis region, PlR plus P2R plus NRE) was very much less marked (Fig.…”
Section: And Discussionmentioning
confidence: 95%
“…Genes encoding the first of these enzymes (tps) have been identified in a wide range of organisms, including plants (e.g., Selaginella lepidophylla [8]), invertebrates (e.g., Caenorhabditis elegans [9]), yeast (e.g., Saccharomyces cerevisiae [10,11]) and bacteria (e.g., Escherichia coli [12]); trehalose-6-phosphate phosphatase genes have also been characterised for many micro-organisms. Although some of these organisms are anhydrobiotic (e.g., Se.…”
Section: Introductionmentioning
confidence: 99%
“…However, when allowed to accumulate glycine betaine, E. coti does not accumulate trehalose (Larsen etai., 1987;Rod etai., 1988;Cayley et al, 1991;. The pathway for osmotic stressinduced trehalose synthesis in E. coli is the same as In many animals and yeasts; trehalose-6-phosphate synthase converts UDP-glucose and glucose-6-phosphate to trehalose-6-phosphate, which is then hydrolysed by trehalose-6-phosphate phosphatase (Giaever et al, 1988;Kaasen etai., 1992). Externally supplied trehalose does not protect E. coli against osmotic stress (Larsen et al, 1987), but E. coli can utilize trehalose as the sole source of carbon and energy both in the presence and absence of osmotic stress (Gutierrez et al, 1989;Boos et al , 1990).…”
Section: Introductionmentioning
confidence: 99%
“…(83) 44485/44476;Fax (83) 71832 (after 28 October, 1993, use prefix 776). Kaasen et al, 1992, and references therein). Trehalose also preserves various unstable products such as enzymes, foods, Pharmaceuticals, and cosmetics during dry storage, and it is becoming a preservative of practical importance (Roser, 1991;Colaco etai., 1992).…”
Section: Introductionmentioning
confidence: 99%