) Afax. Plmtck.htxr#ut fiTr mrdt:htl~rh¢ For~rhung. Juht~trajJ¢ 29, dgO0 Heht¢lbcr~, Germmu" and J Ruhr Univers~tdt B.rhmn, Lrhrzttthl fiir lhoeheml¢, .I630 gotham, r;¢rmanv
R¢ceiwd 2? Novcmbw 1990A rat brain eDNA (Raw.l} related to the Dra.fophga Sha. K= channel l'Amlly has been character)xed, Raw3 cRNA leads to the formation of TEA. in~nsltt,,'¢, ras! inactivating (A-tyI~) K' ,:hannels whefl )njecled into ,Wnapus laevl~ o¢¢ytes Raw3 ch{tnnels have markedly different prolztrttes from the prcv)ously cloned rat A,|yp¢ K" channel RCK4, Raw3 channels ol~rate m the positive voltztge range
MATERIALS AND METHODSA rat cortex eDNA library (a gift from P Seeburg, Heidelberg) has been screened w=th a )=P labelled NGK2 [18] eDNA probe under con. ehtionsoflow stringency[6, 171 TwoovcrlappmgcDNAswer¢isolated and sequenced (7,8] The combined eDNA sequence ~as 2858 bp long The composite raw3 cDNA was cloned into tile expression see tot pAS2, Th~s vector was constructed of Bluescrlpt KS" (Stratagene) and pAKSI8 Xenopus/news oocytes were rejected wsth cRNA and incubated for 2-3 days at 19*C [10] The kmeuc properties of Raw3 channels were determined from macro.patch recordings lit] in the cell-attacl~cd conhguratlon of the patch clamp technique I'h¢ pharmacologtcal profile was estabhsl~ed ushtg a conventional two.mlcroelectrode voltage-clamp Microelectrodes were filled with I M KCI and had a resistance of 200-500 k.q Single channels were recorded m the cellattached configuratton All experiments were done at 20°C m normal frog Rnlger solution of the following composltmn (m raM) NaCI I IS, KCI2, CaCl= 1 8, Hepes 10, pH 7 2 In some exper,mentssodlum wa~ replaced by 4-AP or TEA (Sigma) or DTX (gift from Dr F, Dreyer, Glessen, Germany) was added Patch p~pettes were filled with normal frog Ringer solutmn Leak and capacitive currents were subtracted digitally using the P/4 method [12] 3. RESULTS
Prtmary sequence of raw3 K ÷ channel proteinTwo overlapping cDNAs, encoding Raw3, were isolated from a rat cortex ~.DNA hbrary. The longest open reading frame corresponds to an amino aczd sequence of 625 residues (Fig. 1). The hydropathy analysis [13] Pubhshed bb ElsevJer S.tence Pubhshers B V fBtamedwal Dwtswn) 21 1