The distribution of voltage-sensitive sodium channels on axons in the dorsal and ventral spinal roots of the dystrophic mouse 129/ReJ-Lama 2dy was determined via immunocytochemistry. In these nerves there are regions in which Schwann cells fail to proliferate and myelinate axons in a normal manner, leaving bundles of closely packed large-diameter amyelinated axons. We have identified discrete and focal concentrations of sodium channel immunoreactivity on these axons by both confocal immunofluorescence and immunoelectron microscopy, using a peptide-derived polyclonal antibody. In addition, simultaneous labeling with an antibody recognizing neuronal-specific ankyrin G revealed a distinct colocalization with the sodium channels on both normal and amyelinated axons. The presence of patches of sodium channels along with their anchoring protein on amyelinated axons in the absence of intervening Schwann cells demonstrates that axons can form and maintain independently these initial aggregations. This confirms that direct contact between Schwann cell and axon is not required for the formation of sodium channel patches of nodal dimensions and density. Furthermore, this strongly suggests that local transfer of sodium channels from Schwann cells to axons is not required for this process.
Key words: sodium channels; ankyrin G ; myelination; node of Ranvier; immunocytochemistry; Schwann cell; dystrophic mouseMyelinated axons produce and maintain focal concentrations of voltage-sensitive sodium channels at fairly regular intervals along their lengths. These concentrations occur most prominently at nodes of Ranvier and are essential for the propagation of action potentials. The processes involved in the myelination of axons by Schwann cells and the development of nodes of Ranvier have been studied extensively by light and electron microscopy. Despite this, controversy remains as to the role that Schwann cells play in inducing the initial aggregation of voltage-sensitive sodium channels on axonal membranes during development and in maintaining these aggregations after myelination. Although some studies in a variety of systems have been interpreted to suggest that the development and maintenance of sodium channel aggregates are dependent on direct Schwann cell involvement (Rosenbluth and Blakemore, 1984;Rosenbluth, 1988;Joe and Angelides, 1992), others suggest that this type of axonal specialization can develop independent of and before glial involvement (Ellisman, 1976;Bray et al., 1979;Ellisman, 1979;Wiley-Livingston and Ellisman, 1980;Smith et al., 1982;Waxman et al., 1982).Efforts to chronicle the synthesis and aggregation of sodium channels on the developing axons of neonatal mice and rats in vivo have been met with difficulties primarily because of limitations in detection sensitivity, the complexity of the developing environment, and the rapid and asynchronous manner in which myelination occurs. Studies of developing rat sciatic nerve have revealed a close association of adherent Schwann cell processes to sodium channel c...