IntroductionWe studied nine individuals from five unrelated families with aI/46-50a hereditary elliptocytosis (HE) The erythrocyte membrane skeleton is a network of proteins on the inner surface of the red cell membrane that is responsible for maintaining the shape and deformability ofthe erythrocyte (1-3). The principal proteins ofthe erythrocyte membrane skeleton include spectrin, ankyrin, protein 4.1, and actin (4). The major component of the erythrocyte membrane skeleton, spectrin, is composed oftwo structurally homologous but nonidentical proteins, a-and f3-spectrin. a-and j3-Spectrin intertwine to form heterodimers, which in turn self-associate in a head-to-head configuration to form tetramers and larger oligomers (5). These higher order tetramers and oligomers of spectrin appear to be critical for erythrocyte membrane stability as well as erythrocyte shape and function. Hemolytic anemias due to qualitative and quantitative defects in the erythrocyte membrane skeleton proteins, including spectrin, are an important group ofhereditary anemias. Hereditary elliptocytosis (HE)' and hereditary pyropoikilocytosis (HPP) are two of these disorders (for reviews, see references 6-9). HE, characterized by the presence of elliptically shaped erythrocytes in the peripheral blood, is a clinically heterogeneous group of disorders ranging from the asymptomatic carrier state to severe, symptomatic hemolytic anemia. HPP, as originally described by Zarkowsky et al. (10), is an uncommon, severe hemolytic anemia characterized by abnormal erythrocyte sensitivity to heat and erythrocyte morphology reminiscent of that seen in patients after a thermal burn. HE and HPP share a number ofbiochemical and molecular defects, particularly abnormalities in a spectrin (1 1-13).After limited digestion with trypsin and two-dimensional polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, normal spectrin can be resolved into five a and four ,B proteolytically resistant domains (14,15