A generalized formulation ofthe Fokker-Planck equation is utilized to calculate the mean velocity and dispersivity of a flexible Brownian cluster of rigid particles which is acted upon by a time-periodic external force. It is shown that if the force consists of a nonzero mean part and a "fluctuating" (Le., zero mean) part, their effects are decoupled. Similarly, if a Fourier expansion of the force is carried out, the effect of each term of the expansion can be treated independently of the others. A representative force term of the form F n exp (i1iJ n t) + F n exp ( -iliJ n t) was selected to act upon a flexible dumbbell composed of two identical tethered spheres of radii a, with the inextensible tether acting as an "attractive" internal potential. The dispersion tensor is found to consist of a "parallel" contribution (directed along F n F n + F n F n ) }lnd a "hydrostatic" contribution. This dispersion tensor depen~s linearly upon the scalar (F n ' Fn )aI241rl-"kT (I-" = viscosity), approaches a constant asymptotic value for small nondimensional frequencies fin = 121rl-"a3IiJnlkT, and decreases asymptotically to zero for very large frequencies.