Aqueous suspensions (30%) of waxy corn and potato starches were illuminated for 5-50 h with linearly polarised visible light (λ > 500 nm). Molecular weights (M w ) and radii of gyration (R g ) of the amylopectin and amylose fractions of illuminated waxy corn starch, and the amylopectin, intermediate, and amylose fractions of illuminated potato starch were measured by high-performance size exclusion chromatography coupled with multiangle laser light scattering and refractive index detection. The weightaverage molecular weight (M w ) and radius of gyration (R g ) of the amylopectin fraction of native waxy corn starch were 14.45 × 10 7 and 161.1 nm respectively. After 15 h of illumination a decrease in M w (5.80 × 10 7 ) and R g (117.6 nm) was observed. Illumination for 25 h, led to an increase in M w (7.60 × 10 7 ) and R g (134.0 nm). Further illumination, up to 50 h resulted in a slight decrease in M w (6.74 × 10 7 ). The molecular weight and radius of gyration of the amylopectin fraction of native potato starch were 21.30 × 10 7 and 207 nm respectively. Illumination for 15 h led to a decrease in M w (14.87 × 10 7 ) and R g (141.5 nm), followed by an increase in both values after 25 h (18.97 × 10 7 , 146.6 nm) and 50 h (19.69 × 10 7 , 207.1 nm) of illumination. Illumination influenced the swelling power, solubility, susceptibility to α-amylolysis and X-ray diffractogram of the starches. A varying increase in the solubility passed through a minimum after 25 h of illumination. The X-ray diffraction pattern and susceptibility to enzymatic hydrolysis of waxy corn starch did not change, but in potato starch a gradual, illumination time-dependent increase in the amylolysis rate took place. This effect could result from the reduction in crystallinity of the starch as indicated by the X-ray diffraction pattern.