HPV can trigger cancer cases in the laryngeal, lung, oral, and anogenital. Classification of HPV based on the ability to trigger cancer, HPV is divided into two types consisting of high risk (HR) and low risk (LR). HPV-6 and HPV-11 are low-risk types or only cause precancerous lesions or warts. In the case of lesion progression to intraepithelial malignancies triggered by infection with HPV-16 and HPV-18 types. Previous studies used E6 to target antiviral drug design, the drug works by inhibiting E6 activity and preventing p53 degradation. Nigella sativa is widely used as traditional medicine by people around the world for generations. This research is important because it is to identify the molecular mechanism of chemical compounds from Nigella sativa as a candidate agent for high-risk HPV type of antiviral through inhibition of E6 activity. The inhibition of the E6-p53 complex by the Longifolene compound from Nigella sativa causes a decrease in E6 activity and an increase in p53 protein activity, then normal cells will not develop into cancer. Inhibition of the E6-p53 complex will also trigger apoptosis in cells that have been infected with HPV.