We have investigated the role of pinning strength and density on the equilibrium
vortex-lattice to vortex-liquid phase transition under several applied magnetic fields. This
study was conducted using a series of molecular dynamic simulations on several samples
with different strengths and densities of pinning sites which are arranged in periodic square
arrays. We have found a single solid–liquid vortex transition when the vortex filling factor
n>1. We have found that, for fixed pinning densities and strengths, the melting temperature,
Tm, decreases almost linearly with increasing magnetic field. Our results provide direct
numerical evidence for the significant role of both the strength and density of pinning
centers on the position of the melting line. We have found that the vortex-lattice to
vortex-liquid melting line shifts up as the pinning strength or the pinning density was
increased. The effect on the melting line was found to be more pronounced at small values
of strength and density of pinning sites.