structural and dynamical characteristics of uranyl ions in
an aqueous acidic environment are of immense importance in the field
of nuclear fuel reprocessing. In view of that, the structural and
dynamical behavior of the uranyl ion in water has been investigated
by performing molecular dynamics (MD) simulations using different
force fields. All the force fields have depicted similar structural
and dynamical properties except the free energy of hydration where
the Guilbaud–Wipff (GW) model performs well over the others.
The calculated density using MD simulations is found to be in excellent
agreement with the measured experimental density, which ensures the
accuracy of the adopted GW force field. The calculated surface tension
and shear viscosity are seen to be increased with uranyl nitrate concentrations.
At a higher concentration of about 4.0 mol/L, the supersaturation
effect has been captured by an inflection in the plot of surface tension
and shear viscosity against concentration because of the solution
heterogeneity, which was correlated by an inflection in the scattering
intensity observed by performing the dynamic light scattering experiment.
The binding mode of nitrate ions with the uranyl ion is found to be
concentration-dependent, and at higher concentration, it is predominantly