(2010)]. The main conclusions are the same, but the average D atom photodesorption probability is smaller than that of the H atom (by about a factor of 0.9) because D has lower kinetic energy than H, whereas the average OD radical photodesorption probability is larger than that of OH (by about a factor of 2.5-2.9 depending on ice temperature) because OD has higher translational energy than OH for every ice temperature studied. The average D 2 O photodesorption probability is larger than that of H 2 O (by about a factor of 1.4-2.3 depending on ice temperature), and this is entirely due to a larger contribution of the D 2 O kick-out mechanism. This is an isotope effect: the kick-out mechanism is more efficient for D 2 O ice, because the D atom formed after D 2 O photodissociation has a larger momentum than photogenerated H atoms from H 2 O, and D transfers momentum more easily to D 2 O than H to H 2 O. The total (OD + D 2 O) yield has been compared with experiments and the total (OH + H 2 O) yield from previous simulations. We find better agreement when we compare experimental yields with calculated yields for D 2 O ice than when we compare with calculated yields for H 2 O ice.