Molecular interactions are essential for regulation of cellular processes, from the formation of multiprotein complexes, to the allosteric activation of enzymes. Identifying the essential residues and molecular features that regulate such interactions is paramount for understanding the biochemical process in question, allowing for suppression of a reaction through drug interventions, or optimization of a chemical process using bioengineered molecules. In order to identify important residues and information pathways within molecular complexes, the Dynamical Network Analysis method was developed and has since been broadly applied in the literature. However, in the dawn of exascale computing, this method is generally limited to relatively small biomolecular systems. In this work we provide an evolution of the method, application and interface. All data processing and analysis is conducted through Jupyter notebooks, providing automatic detection of important solvent and ion residues, an optimized and parallel generalized correlation implementation that is linear with respect to the number of nodes in the system, and subsequent community clustering, calculation of betweenness of contacts, and determination optimal paths. Using the popular visualization program VMD, high-quality renderings of the networks over the biomolecular structures can be produced. Our new implementation was employed to investigate three different systems, with up to 2.5 M atoms, namely the OMP-decarboxylase, the Leucyl-tRNA synthetase complexed with its cognate tRNA and adenylate, and the respiratory complex I in a membrane environment. Our enhanced and updated protocol provides the community with an intuitive and interactive interface, which can be easily applied to large macromolecular complexes.In the last few decades molecular dynamics (MD) simulations have become an indispensable tool for mechanistic analysis in structural biology. From its first applications, revealing the fluid-like interior of protein that result from the diffusional character of local atomic motion [1], to more recent applications simulating entire organelles [2], the information content generated by MD studies has grown rapidly. With the increase of system sizes [3] and the frequent use of enhanced sampling techniques [4,5], came the 1/25 need for new and enhanced analysis tools, capable of extracting information from massive amounts of data and generating new insight. The most diverse approaches have been applied to identify system features that are relevant to its biological functions, including clustering algorithms [6,7], dimensionality reduction techniques [8], and a variety of strategies from the so-called "big-data" and "artificial intelligence" fields [9][10][11]. Developed just over a decade ago [12,13], a particularly interesting technique that has recently become popular is the analysis of dynamical networks [14][15][16]. This technique has been employed to study how groups of atoms interconnect in "communities" [17], and also the allosteric signaling in tRN...