Here, we show large-scale molecular dynamics simulation of transition between Wenzel state and Cassie state of water droplets on a periodic nanopillared hydrophobic surface. Physical conditions that can strongly affect the transition include the height of nanopillars, the spacing between pillars, the intrinsic contact angle, and the impinging velocity of water nanodroplet (''raining'' simulation). There exists a critical pillar height beyond which water droplets on the pillared surface can be either in the Wenzel state or in the Cassie state, depending on their initial location. The free-energy barrier separating the Wenzel and Cassie state was computed on the basis of a statistical-mechanics method and kinetic raining simulation. The barrier ranges from a few tenths of k BT0 (where kB is the Boltzmann constant, and T 0 is the ambient temperature) for a rugged surface at the critical pillar height to Ϸ8 kBT0 for the surface with pillar height greater than the length scale of water droplets. For a highly rugged surface, the barrier from the Wenzel-to-Cassie state is much higher than from Cassie-to-Wenzel state. Hence, once a droplet is trapped deeply inside the grooves, it would be much harder to relocate on top of high pillars. free-energy barrier ͉ molecular dynamics simulation ͉ nanodrop raining experiment ͉ Wenzel-to-Cassie state transition I t is well known that microtextured or nanotextured hydrophobic surfaces can become superhydrophobic (1-39). In fact, nature provides first examples of superhydrophobic surfaces, such as lotus leaves and water striders' nonwetting legs (40-42). Synthetic microtextured surface structures like the lotus leaves have been fabricated to achieve high water repellency such that on these surfaces, water droplets are typically in the Cassie state (43) rather than the Wenzel state (44). In general, water droplets adhere more strongly to the textured surface in the Wenzel state than in the Cassie state, causing stronger contact-angle hysteresis. Hence, in many practical applications such as self-cleaning surfaces (6, 17), the Cassie state is preferred over the Wenzel state. It is also known that as the degree of surface roughness increases, the Cassie state becomes increasingly favorable compared with the Wenzel state. Hence, at certain degree of roughness, the Wenzel state and Cassie state can become more or less equally favorable and may even coexist on the same surface. From a statistical-mechanics point of view, the 2 states can coexist when they are separated by a high free-energy barrier by which one state is still metastable (free-energy local minimum), and the other is thermodynamically stable (free-energy global minimum). In this article, we present computer simulation evidence of coexisting Wenzel/Cassie state (or the bistable state) for water droplets on pillared hydrophobic surface. We have studied 4 conditions that affect the transition between the Wenzel and Cassie state: (i) The height of nanopillars, (ii) the spacing between pillars, (iii) the impinging velocity of w...