The hydrophobic interior of carbon nanotubes, which is reminiscent of ion channels in
cellular membranes, has inspired scientific research directed towards the production of, for
example, membranes for water desalination, drug-delivery devices, and nanosyringes. To
develop these technologies it is crucial to understand and predict the equilibrium and
transport properties of confined water. We present here a series of molecular dynamics
simulation results conducted to understand the extent to which the presence of a few
oxygenated active sites, modeled as carbonyls, affects the transport properties of confined
water. The model for the carbon nanotube is not intended to be realistic. Its
only purpose is to allow us to understand the effect of a few oxygenated sites on
the transport properties of water confined in a narrow cylindrical pore, which
is otherwise hydrophobic. At low hydration levels we found little, if any, water
diffusion. The diffusion, which appears to be of the Fickian type for sufficiently large
hydration levels, becomes faster as the number of confined water molecules increases,
reaches a maximum, and slows as water fills the carbon nanotubes. We explain
our findings on the basis of two collective motion mechanisms observed from
the analysis of sequences of simulation snapshots. We term the two mechanisms
‘cluster-breakage’ and ‘cluster-libration’ mechanisms. We observe that the cluster-breakage
mechanism produces longer displacements for the confined water molecules than the
cluster-libration one, but deactivates as water fills the carbon nanotube. From a
practical point of view, our results are particularly important for two reasons: (1) at
low hydration levels the presence of only eight carbonyl groups can prevent the
diffusion of water through (8, 8) carbon nanotubes; and (2) the extremely fast
self-diffusion coefficients observed for water within narrow carbon nanotubes are
significantly decreased in the presence of only a few oxygenated active sites. These
results are relevant, for example, for the design of water-desalination membranes.