RNA extraction from human cumulus cells (CCs) is considered challenging due to low cell’s pop-ulation and small cell. The successful gene expression analysis from cumulus cells ultimately de-pends on an excellent concentration of Ribonucleic acid (RNA) yield by an appropriate technique. Our study aims to consolidate appropriate cumulus cell collection method, preparation and ex-traction techniques to ensure a good yield of RNA for better gene expression analysis. From the results obtained, the optimal strategy found involved mechanical denudation without an enzy-matic process, followed by the use of RNA stabilizer prior to RNA extraction. Subsequently, uti-lizing a smaller homogenizer, preferably manual pressure control with filter (Bio-Masher III®) is paramount for a pure and homogenize sample. Subsequently, during RNA extraction, the use of RNeasy micro kit and RNA carriers is recommended. These sample collection, preparation, and extraction techniques yielded an excellent-quality RNA concentration and successful gene expres-sion analysis. We also conducted a systematic review to consolidate our findings with current evidence of RNA extraction technique. Our results added a value as a current strategy for opti-mizing RNA extraction in CCs for experimental studies. Thus, our findings can contribute to for-mulating a better strategy for optimizing the RNA extraction in CCs for transcriptomic studies.