In this short note we adopt the Ising chain in effective field for the description of a thin magnetic film. We have shown that even infinitesimal coupling between layers of the film causes a common critical behaviour for the whole system. This behaviour is close to the properties of the layer with the greatest e x c h q e parameter. We also confirm the impossibility of split-the critical temperatures for the surfaces and the bulk.Let us consider the Ising chain in the effective field /l/. In order to use this model for the description of a thin film we make some modifications. This system is built up of Is& chain clusters, each of them dipped in a different effective field. The set of all clusters forms the open Ising chain (Fig. 1). The i-th plane of the film is described by the i-th cluster which contains the central spin Ui interactillg with its neighbourhood si ={st, . . . , a:} through the exchange integral JF . Every neighbourhocd is dipped in its effective field 5. The coupling between planes is through the exchange integral J. The partition function for the model defined in this way can be written as where N is the number of planes within the film, n is the number of the nearest neighbours within each plane, H is external magnetic field and the rest of symbols are explained in Fig. 1. The effective fields 5 are determined by the set of equations resulting from the consistency condition <+> = for i = I , ..., N . (a ) 1) ul. Reymonta 4, 30-059 K r a k h , Poland. 2) ul. Podchor;)&wh 1, 30-084 Krak6w, Poland.