DOI: 10.1080/00275514.2018.1464818
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Molecular identification and characterization of endophytes from uncultivated barley

Abstract: Epichloë species (Clavicipitaceae, Ascomycota) are endophytic symbionts of many cool-season grasses. Many interactions between Epichloë and their host grasses contribute to plant growth promotion, protection from many pathogens and insect pests, and tolerance to drought stress. Resistance to insect herbivores by endophytes associated with Hordeum species has been previously shown to vary depending on the endophyte-grass-insect combination. We explored the genetic and chemotypic diversity of endophytes present … Show more

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Cited by 11 publications
(13 citation statements)
References 72 publications
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“…Many studies have used endophyte infection but only focused on pathway end products such as production of ergovaline, lolitrem B, peramine, and N-formylloline (20,23,33). Yet in undisturbed native environments, more alkaloid diversity can be observed among and within populations of endophyte-infected grasses (10,12,13,45), even for F. arundinacea and L. perenne (20,21,46). In some grass-endophyte associations, alkaloids can be induced, for example, by grazing animals as a defense reaction (47)(48)(49).…”
Section: Discussionmentioning
confidence: 99%
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“…Many studies have used endophyte infection but only focused on pathway end products such as production of ergovaline, lolitrem B, peramine, and N-formylloline (20,23,33). Yet in undisturbed native environments, more alkaloid diversity can be observed among and within populations of endophyte-infected grasses (10,12,13,45), even for F. arundinacea and L. perenne (20,21,46). In some grass-endophyte associations, alkaloids can be induced, for example, by grazing animals as a defense reaction (47)(48)(49).…”
Section: Discussionmentioning
confidence: 99%
“…Recently, more emphasis has been placed on evaluating the genetic capability of Epichloë species to produce alkaloids by determining which alkaloid biosynthesis genes are present within the endophyte (9,15,51,52). Understanding which alkaloid biosynthesis genes are present can affirm the alkaloid potential of any given isolate, as much of the alkaloid diversity observed in Epichloë species is due to gene presence/absence polymorphisms that can be easily observed by PCR, providing an effective tool to rapidly evaluate samples from large population sizes (10,12,13,19). Alkaloid chemotypes that do not match the predictions based on PCR have been shown to have altered gene expression (little or no expression) that silences the pathway, or a gene can lack functionality due to the presence of nonsense mutations that would result in a different pathway end product (10,15,19,52,53).…”
Section: Discussionmentioning
confidence: 99%
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“…Lolitrem B (LTB), the end product of IDT biosynthesis in E. festucae , was predicted to be produced, if in addition to the genes mentioned above also idtJ produced a PCR band. The prerequisite of the production of terpendole C and lolitrem B was also that the sequence of idtF -gene was functional, without the deletion in the first exon of the gene that causes an inframe stop codon ( Young et al, 2009 ; Shi et al, 2017 ; Yi et al, 2018 ). In addition, presence of idtP gene was checked from our unpublished data in 109 of the F. rubra – E. festucae combinations in the present study.…”
Section: Methodsmentioning
confidence: 99%