TRPM7 (transient receptor potential cation channel subfamily M member 7) regulates gene expression and stress-induced cytotoxicity and is required in early embryogenesis through organ development. Here, we show that the majority of TRPM7 is localized in abundant intracellular vesicles. These vesicles (M7Vs) are distinct from endosomes, lysosomes, and other familiar vesicles or organelles. , an ion channel and cytoplasmic kinase, is ubiquitously expressed and essential in early embryonic development (1-4) but also may mediate oxidative stress-induced anoxic neuronal death in adults (5, 6). As an ion channel, TRPM7 conducts Zn 2+ >Mg 2+ ∼ Ca 2+ and monovalent cations (7-10) and contributes to labile cytosolic and nuclear Zn 2+ concentrations (8). TRPM7's C-terminal kinase can phosphorylate multiple substrates (11-13) and is cleaved to release a proapoptotic, chromatin-modifying enzyme (8,14). Zn 2+ regulates TRPM7's kinase activity (11) and binding to transcription factors (8). It is a potent signal for many cellular processes previously related to TRPM7 function, including gene expression, mitosis, and cell survival, but is also proapoptotic at extreme concentrations (15)(16)(17)(18) Oxidative stress increases inward divalent ion permeation through TRPM7 (5, 9), whereas acute and chronic oxidative stress in culture (24-26) or during ischemia-reperfusion in vivo (27, 28) induces TRPM7 expression. The resulting increase in cytosolic Zn 2+ could result in toxic cytosolic concentrations (9). Conversely, reduction of TRPM7 expression protects animals from postischemia reperfusion (5), a condition typically accompanied by increased reactive oxygen species (ROS) and Zn 2+ release from intracellular stores (29). Physiological redox transitions required for stem cell differentiation and gene expression during embryonic development (30, 31) may also be sensed by TRPM7 and transduced via Zn -dependent signals (32). Because TRPM7 patch-clamp recording is limited to the plasma membrane, the assumption has been that TRPM7's main function is on the plasma membrane. However, we have previously shown that TRPM7 is also on intracellular membranes (33-35). Indeed, ROS activation of divalent ion influx through TRPM7 (5, 9) is reminiscent of ROS activation of TRPM2, which releases Ca 2+ and Zn 2+ from lysosomes (36,37 ] and ROS during development and injury.