A B S T R A C T Hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection remains to be a worldwide health problem. In Saudi Arabia, HBV is the most predominant type of hepatitis followed by hepatitis C and hepatitis A while little is known about the molecular epidemiology of the prevalence of HBV genotype/subgenotype particularly in Jeddah. Serum samples were collected from HBV chronic patients and subjected to HBsAg gene amplification. Sequencing and phylogenetic analysis of the entire HBsAg gene sequences revealed that 11 isolates belonged to HBV/D while 4 isolates were associated with HBV/C. Interestingly, HBV/D subgenotypes identified eight HBV/D present isolates belonged to HBV/D1 while three isolates showed a new cluster supporting by a branch with 99% bootstrap value and 4.3-5.8% nucleotide divergence over the entire HBsAg gene from other known subgenotypes D1 to D10, despite they were appearing more related to HBV/D5. The three strains of the new D subgenotype showed unique amino acid sequences consisting of Thr7non, 75Pro in the preS1 gene, 112Ile, 161Gly in the preS2 gene and 196Glu, 197Ala, 238Ser, 259Cys in the S gene. In addition to three amino acid residues in the S gene (373Ile, 374Ala and 381Thr) were specified S118S isolate. Subsequently, it have been verified that HBV/D1 is the most prevalent HBV subgenotype in Jeddah as well as we proposed a novel subgenotype designated HBV/D11. The identification of HBV/D11 novel subgenotypes in the present study suggested that further studies with a large number of subjects in previously examined and unexamined areas may lead to discovering new HBV strain genotypes and/or subgenotypes circulating in Saudi Arabia.