Abstract. In this paper, the hemoglobin (Hb) re-released from red blood cells (RBCs) and whole blood of 7 carcinoma patients were studied by using electrophoresis release test (ERT), which was established by our lab. Among the 7 carcinoma patients, the re-released Hb was distinctively increased from an intrahepatic bile duct carcinoma patient during one-dimension isotonic ERT. Different from the others, the result of double-dimension Hb re-release of this intrahepatic bile duct carcinoma patient showed that not only HbA but also HbA 2 could be re-released from both RBCs and whole blood. The result of isotonic & hypotonic ERT which was performed at room temperature showed that more Hb could be re-released from both RBCs and whole blood of the intrahepatic bile duct carcinoma patient than that of the normal control. After keeping the samples at 37 for 1 hour, the re-released Hb from RBCs could still be found more than that of the normal control, but was disappeared completely from the whole blood sample. To our surprise, when the isotonic & hypotonic ERT was repeated 2 days later at 37 , the re-released Hb from RBCs of the intrahepatic bile duct carcinoma patient was increased only in tube 4-6, and disappeared in the other tube. Further mechanism research work cannot be continued because of the patient's leave, but ERT is speculated to be a useful and effective technology to observe the physiological or pathological change of RBCs, blood or body in the future.